Ingredients with their nutritional information

Carbohydrates are one of the most important nutrients our human body needs for functioning every day. They are the key source of proving energy to our body. Though carbohydrates are very essential for human body but excess intake can also be dangerous and it can lead to several problems like weight gain, diabetes and other vascular diseases.

List of vegetables with high carbohydrates
·        Artichokes
·        Asparagus
·        Beans (green)
·        Beetroot
·        Bok Choy
·        Broccoli
·        Brussels Sprouts
·        Cabbage
·        Carrots
·        Cauliflower
·        Celery
·        Chicory
·        Cucumber
·        Chili pepper
·        Collards
·        Con
·        Eggplant
·        Fennel
·        Green chill’s
·        Gherkins
·        Gourds
·        Kale
·        Leek
·        Lettuce
·        Marrow
·        Mushrooms
·        Okra
·        Onions
·        Parsnip
·        Peas
·        Peppers
·        Potato
·        Pumpkin
·        Radish
·        Rhubarb
·        Shallots
·        Spinach
·        Squash
·        Swede
·        Tomato
·        Turnip
·        Water chestnut
·        Yam

List of vegetables with low carbohydrates
·        Alfalfa Sprouts
·        Bamboo Shoots
·        Bean sprouts
·        Boiled cabbage
·        Cassava
·        Endive
·        Garlic
·        Mushrooms
·        Watercress


Iron is the most essential requirement for human body and other living species on the planet. In human body iron is required for oxygen transport. This oxygen is required for survival and production of cells in our body. Humans also use iron in the hemoglobin of RBCs (Red blood cells) in order to transport O2 (oxygen) from lungs to the tissues and to export CO2 (carbon dioxide) back to lungs. It is also an important component of myoglobin to store and diffuse oxygen in muscle cells.

Deficiency of Iron leads to Anemia (weakness) which affects our day to day life and also weakens our power to fight against bacterial infection.

List of vegetables with high iron value:

·        Asparagus
·        Beetroot
·        Beet Green
·        Bok Choy
·        Broccoli
·        Brussels Sprouts
·        Chard
·        Cabbage
·        Cauliflower
·        Kombu
·        Mustard Greens
·        Parsley
·        Peas
·        Potato
·        Spinach
·        Soy Bean
·        Sweet Potato
·        Tomato
·        Turnip


Fiber is essential for easy digestion and bowel movement in human body.

List of vegetables with high fiber content:

·        Apricots
·        Avocado
·        Beans
·        Beet Green
·        Broccoli
·        Brussels Sprouts
·        Cabbage
·        Carrot
·        Chick Peas
·        Eggplant
·        Greens
·        Kale
·        Lima Beans
·        Mushrooms
·        Onion
·        Peas
·        Potato
·        Pumpkin
·        Rhubarb
·        Spinach
·        Summer Squash
·        Sweet Potato
·        Tomato
·        Zucchini

Vitamins play an important role in our daily diet. They are essential for the normal growth and development of a human being and every multicelluar organism on the planet. They perform various functions in the body and also help in executing the functions.

Vitamins are classified as water soluble and fat soluble.

In human body there are 13 vitamins: 4 fat soluble [A, D, E.K vitamins] and 9 water soluble.

Water soluble vitamins easily get dissolved in water and excess is thrown out of the body through urine. Hence they have to be consumed daily. Fat soluble vitamins are absorbed by intestinal track by the lipids. Hence they are stored in the body. Therefore over accumulation can cause hyper-vitaminosisHence they should be moderately consumed.

List of vegetables which contain various vitamins:

Vitamin A
·        Asparagus
·        Avocado
·        Broccoli
·        Carrots
·        Kale
·        Pumpkin
·        Spinach

Vitamin B1
·        Avocado
·        Beans
·        Peas

Vitamin B2
·        Avocado
·        Carrots
·        Corn
·        Dark green vegetables

Vitamin B3
·        Artichoke
·        Asparagus
·        Avocado
·        Carrots
·        Corn

Vitamin C
·        Broccoli
·        Cauliflower
·        Corn
·        Mushrooms
·        Onions
·        Peas
·        Spinach


Proteins are also one of the important parts of our daily diet. They are the basic building blocks of human body. They play major role in blood clothing, carrying blood to various parts of the body, muscle contraction, muscle recovery and important source of energy. Proteins are also enzymes therefore they also act as catalysts. Many hormones are also proteins.

List of vegetables which are good source of protein:

·        Alfalfa Sprouts
·        Artichokes
·        Asparagus
·        Aubergine
·        Avocado
·        Beans
·        Beetroot
·        Broccoli
·        Brussels Sprouts
·        Cabbage
·        Carrot
·        Cauliflower
·        Celery
·        Chicory
·        Corn
·        Courgette
·        Cucumber
·        Dandelion (greens)
·        Endive
·        Garlic
·        Lentils
·        Lettuce
·        Marrow
·        Mushrooms
·        Mustard
·        Okra
·        Olives
·        Onions
·        Parsley
·        Parsnip
·        Peas
·        Peppers
·        Potato
·        Pumpkin
·        Radish
·        Spinach
·        Squash
·        Swede
·        Sweet Corn
·        Sweet Potato
·        Tomato
·        Turnip
·        Watercress

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